
DNA-RNA Purification DNA Purification

Genomic DNA Prep Kit (Ver.3.0)
Column type

  • No phenol and chloroform
  • Silica-membrane based
  • High-purity isolation of genomic DNA
  • High-throughput application


Cat.No. Product Size
GCBL50 PureHelix™ Genomic DNA Prep Kit [Blood, Animal cells] (Ver. 3.0), Column type 50 preps
GCBL100 PureHelix™ Genomic DNA Prep Kit [Blood, Animal cells] (Ver. 3.0), Column type 100 preps
GCBL200 PureHelix™ Genomic DNA Prep Kit [Blood, Animal cells] (Ver. 3.0), Column type 200 preps
GCTN50 PureHelix™ Genomic DNA Prep Kit [Bacteria, Animals, Plants] (Ver. 3.0), Column type 50 preps
GCTN100 PureHelix™ Genomic DNA Prep Kit [Bacteria, Animals, Plants] (Ver. 3.0), Column type 100 preps
GCTN200 PureHelix™ Genomic DNA Prep Kit [Bacteria, Animals, Plants] (Ver. 3.0), Column type 200 preps
GCTR50 PureHelix™ Genomic DNA Prep Kit [Rice] (Ver. 3.0), Column type 50 preps
GCTR100 PureHelix™ Genomic DNA Prep Kit [Rice] (Ver. 3.0), Column type 100 preps
GCTR200 PureHelix™ Genomic DNA Prep Kit [Rice] (Ver. 3.0), Column type 200 preps
GCY50 PureHelix™ Genomic DNA Prep Kit [Yeast] (Ver. 3.0), Column type 50 preps
GCY100 PureHelix™ Genomic DNA Prep Kit [Yeast] (Ver. 3.0), Column type 100 preps
GCY200 PureHelix™ Genomic DNA Prep Kit [Yeast] (Ver. 3.0), Column type 200 preps
PureHelix™ Genomic DNA Prep Kit (Ver. 3.0), Column type is designed for rapid and pure isolation of total DNA from whole blood, cultured animal cells, bacteria [Gram (+) or Gram (-)], animal tissues, plant tissues, rice, or yeast cells. The spin column based method completely removes PCR inhibitors such as divalent cations and proteins resulting in a high purity preparation of genomic DNA. There is no use of phenol or chloroform, handling is safe and does not produce any harmful waste. DNA purified with this kit is suitable for a variety of applications, including PCR amplification, digestion with restriction endonucleases and membrane hybridizations.

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