
DNA-RNA Amplification PCR Enzymes Fidelity PCR

Premium-Pfu Polymerase

  • Extreme fidelity and specificity
  • High processivity
  • Amplification of long-ranged target for cloning
  • PMT (Polymerase Modulator on Temperature) technology
  • Minimize non-specific amplifications and primer-dimer formation


Cat.No. Product Size
PP250 HelixAmp™ Premium-Pfu Polymerase 250 units
PP500 HelixAmp™ Premium-Pfu Polymerase 500 units
PP2500 HelixAmp™ Premium-Pfu Polymerase 2,500 units
HelixAmp™ Premium-Pfu Polymerase is an editorial enzyme improved from HelixAmp™ Speed-Pfu Polymerase. HelixAmp™ Premium-Pfu Polymerase shows faster (4 ~ 6 times) polymerization reaction and higher fidelity (3 ~ 5 times) than any other high-fidelity enzymes. NanoHelix’s “PMT (polymerase modulator on temperature) technology” is applied in the buffer system, which is effective to reduce primer-dimer formation and non-specific amplification during the PCR. HelixAmp™ Premium-Pfu Polymerase is most suitable to faithful amplification of relatively long-ranged target for cloning etc. Due to its high speed, fast PCR with this enzyme could be completed in 30 min for the reliable amplification of less than 1 kb size target DNA. For the maximum performance of PCR reactions high-quality dNTP mixture is supplied. In case of PCR amplification of target DNA with high G+C content or structural problem, such as repeat sequence, the application of N-Solution™ improves the specificity and productivity of the reactions.

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