
DNA-RNA Amplification Isothermal Amplification

Fast RT-LAMP Kit (Ver.2.0)


Ideal for Point-of-Care test due to enhanced speed and a streamlined protocol


  • Fast detection (<20 minutes) for RNA target
  • Sensitive and accurate
  • Flexible detection method: Endpoint and real-time
  • Bst DNA polymerase-based isothermal amplification
  • Applicable to POC MDx


Cat.No. Product Size
FRLMP2-100 HelixAmp™ Fast RT-LAMP Kit (Ver. 2.0) 100 rxns
FRLMP2-500 HelixAmp™ Fast RT-LAMP Kit (Ver. 2.0) 500 rxns

HelixAmp™ Fast RT-LAMP Kit (Ver. 2.0) provides simple and fast (within 20 minutes) target RNA amplification using loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP). This kit consists of a 5x RT-LAMP Buffer V2 (Mg-free), 100mM MgSO₄ and a RT-LAMP Enzyme V2. The 5x RT-LAMP Buffer V2 (Mg-free), optimized for fast amplification, contains buffering reagents, dNTPs, and salts. The RT-LAMP Enzyme V2 is a blend of engineered Bst DNA polymerase, thermostable reverse transcriptase (RTase), and RNase inhibitor. The novel Bst DNA polymerase enhances the DNA polymerization speed and allows the fast isothermal amplification reaction. The thermostable RTase is fully active at a relatively high temperature (60 ℃) and it makes possible the one-step RT-LAMP in a constant reaction temperature.

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